Acadian-Appalachian Conifer Seepage Forest

These cedar and spruce forests are found in the colder portions of the Northern Appalachian and Acadian regions. They occur on gentle to moderate slopes, often adjacent to (but above) drainage channels, in settings where groundwater seepage provides constant moisture. Northern white-cedar and red spruce, often mixed, are the typical dominants; some areas may have deciduous trees including paper birch mixed in. The sloping ground is kept wet by constant seepage of cool groundwater. Dense herbs and mosses carpet the forest floor. Typical herbs include common boreal forest species such as yellow bluebead lily, twinflower, and mountain sorrel, as well as less common species such as naked miterwort, blunt-leaf orchid, robin-run-away, and sidebells. For more information, see NatureServe Explorer.

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